Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Shared Member Problems in BSO Calcs

Shared members are an amazing feature of Essbase but they seem to always present challenges and many of those are not easy to spot.

A question arose on the Planning Cloud Customer Connect recently where the issue the poster was having was related to a shared member/alternate hierarchy. For some reason, it's never immediately apparent that this is the problem. Several people suggested a number of reasons before it dawned on me that a shared member was the culprit.

In a nutshell, they were requesting the parent of a shared member, expecting to get back the shared member's parent. However, they were getting back the protype's parent.

Suppose the following hierarchy:

If you had a calc script that was iterating through the level 0 members under Diet, and you requested the parent of each, you wouldn't get back the member name Diet. For 100-20 you'd get back 100, for 200-20 you'd get back 200 and for 300-30 you'd get back 300.

This problem shows up when you have a formula with something like the following:


Note: The @PARENT calculation function for Essbase returns the parent of the current member being calculated in the specified dimension.

The workaround the poster settled on was to add a new alias table and look up based upon that using the @ALIAS() function. It would be nice if there was a function, maybe @SPARENT(), that would return the parent of a shared member.

Update: I'm told that @SPARENT() does exist as an undocumented function. I tested the function and it returns the parent of the first instance of a shared member. If you need the second or greater instance, it seems, you're out of luck. Use at your own risk.

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